Latest technological gadgets for pets

Technology makes its way into the world of pets. There are many innovations that you will find in the market, to pamper them and protect them.
In addition, they will give you a hand with the tasks that you can not fulfill with your animals, due to lack of time.

Here we show you the latest technological gadgets for pets:

Pet feeder with camera and application: worrying about your faithful friend’s food will no longer be a problem. This assistant rations the food, to
administer it in hours established by you, by means of an application.
The feeder will call it emitting a sound. You can see it while feeding, thanks to the camera installed in this device. If you were late at work or went out with friends, you can reschedule your meal times. The anxiety of your pet will decrease and yours too. If you go on a trip and you do not have anyone to take care of it, the pet feeder will do it for you. Its angular webcam will let you see it at any time of the day.

Pooch Selfie: if you love the photos of your dog, get the best selfies with
this device.
How does it work? It is an accessory, to which you put a tennis ball and adjust it to your smartphone or tablet. It works for front and rear camera. This distraction, will allow your dog to see the ball carefully, while you take a selfie. Thus, your pet associates the photo with the game, because once you take it, you can throw the ball. You can teach obedience tricks with this technique and you will have incredible shots.

Petometer: is an application for mobile, that allows you to have the
history of walks with your dog. From here you can manage walks, activities, routes, exercises and reminders for your pet. 
It has 6 different dog profiles available. You can upload the photo of
your faithful friend and share your moments on Facebook.
If you are one of those who forget the walks, with this system you will no longer do it.

Doggy Talky: this app will connect you to the dog world. Finding
friends for your dog and for you, will be very easy. With this app you can
organize walks and various tasks. Doggy Talky, also offers nearby veterinary services , pet residences, hairdressers and more.

Buddy pet collar: it is not a simple pet collar, it is a safety tool . This intelligent accessory has LED lights, which will make it easier for you to see your animal in the dark.
If you go for a walk with him, at night, others can visualize it too and avoid any accident. This device makes connection with your phone, through Bluetooth. You can make a map, so you know when your dog went too far. If this happens, the necklace will send an alert to your mobile. In addition, it has a reminder function to know what day you should take it to the vet, body temperature and calories.

No more woof: who has not wished that their pet could talk?
With this invention, it will be possible. It is a helmet, with a microphone that, when placed on the animal’s head, will translate its barking.
This technology captures the brain waves of your dog. In this way, you will
understand your actions better and have a better relationship.

Gobone: this bone of last generation, connects with your phone.
You can control it, even when you’re not at home, to keep your dog entertained. Do not worry anymore, if you bore when you’re not there. Another advantage is that it has memory and keeps the way the dog plays , to program itself.

T-Pai: an intelligent house, to pamper your dog even more. It has
automated trough, a tempered bed, communication mechanism and a bathroom that has built-in and scheduled cleaning.  The house has two floors, has a play area, food and water dispenser . In addition, it has a Tablet, where you can enjoy your favorite games and programs. This luxurious contraption is designed for medium and small dogs.

Your worries because your pet is alone at home, will disappear and
he will have his own entertainment space.

Litter-Robot: one of the concerns that owners of cats have is the cleaning of the waste area. To alleviate this inconvenience came this sophisticated and practical sandbox. It has the shape of a space capsule and makes a movement similar to that of the cement mixer. Once the cat comes out, the device starts screening.
With its carbon filtering system, the box classifies waste and prevents odors from escaping. It is designed to provide privacy and hygiene to your cat.
In addition, the legs will no longer get dirty with the sand and you can upload it to the furniture and bed without traces.
This new feature will send an alert to your mobile device, when you should
change the sand. It will allow you to see the frequency of use of your cat, so
you can check how your health and digestion are going.
The sandbox lights a led light, if in the middle of the night your cat needs to
use the bathroom.

Petoneer Fresco Pro: with this last generation container, you can
hydrate your pet in an advanced way. It has a 3-stage filtration system, the first by means of a network, the second by activated carbon and the last with ion exchange. It diminishes the presence of hairs, dirt and odors in the water. What guarantees that your pet will drink purer water. Thus, it reduces the risk of contracting diseases. Connected to a wifi system, you can source this vital source, with your phone from anywhere. You will receive alerts on your mobile that will indicate when to change the water and the filter, so that it stays fresh. It has a led light that dims during the night.

Tractive: this GPS will allow you to always know the location of your
pet. It has a history of frequent places and schedules. As a protection for your dog, you will receive a notification if someone tries to remove the collar.

Undoubtedly, these solutions will allow you to have a more harmonious coexistence with your pet and its environment.